Translated from


The History of Akbar, Volume 3


Edited and translated by

Wheeler M. Thackston

Edited by

Translated by

Translated from


The History of Akbar, Volume 3


Edited and translated by

Wheeler M. Thackston

Edited by

Translated by

The exemplar of Indo-Persian history, at once a biography of Emperor Akbar and a chronicle of sixteenth-century Mughal India.

Akbarnāma, or The History of Akbar, by Abu’l-Fazl (d. 1602), is one of the most important works of Indo-Persian history and a touchstone of prose artistry. Marking a high point in a long, rich tradition of Persian historical writing, it served as a model for historians across the Persianate world. The work is at once a biography of the Mughal emperor Akbar (r. 1556–1605) that includes descriptions of his political and martial feats and cultural achievements, and a chronicle of sixteenth-century India.

The third volume details the first eight years of Akbar’s reign, when he consolidated his power, quelled the rebellion of his guardian Bayram Khan, conquered Malwa, and married a Rajput princess. The Persian text, presented in the Naskh script, is based on a careful reassessment of the primary sources.


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The History of Akbar, Volume 3
The History of Akbar, Volume 3
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